International Association of Volunteer Water Rescuers

Local Community-Based Lifeboat Rescue

This website is an attempt to gather and exchange information about volunteer water rescue organizations around the world, perhaps eventually to form an international association for the purpose of advancing water rescue capability in local communities at all locations.

Official regional and national governmental response to maritime emergencies is beneficial, but at times governmental priorities of law enforcement, national defense, and occasionally bureaucratic empire-building, interfere with prompt, experienced assistance to local maritime emergencies. An international exchange of information among local community-based volunteeer water rescue organizations would likely be beneficial to help communities improve their response to maritime distress.

Perhaps elements of this function already exist - if so, please let us know!


Banner photo: By Dickelbers (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

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Backwater Boats (aka Fritz's Boat Page)

Author/Contact:  Fritz Funk (    source file last modified: Apr/14/2017 at 11:37   compiled-GTML: May/7/2017 at 22:00